
The most amazing part of Academic Profile boils down to two words: “rapid reports.” The pain of figuring out how to fit your accomplishments into the annual review template, or even the Form on Progress and Excellence, is gone. I’ll also note that I have a regular reminder set up on the last Friday afternoon of each month that prompts me to enter that month’s activity in Academic Profile. It usually takes less than 15 minutes. When annual review time rolls around it’s just a matter of exporting to the report template, and boom, I’m done.

Kathleen Fitzpatrick // Director of Digital Humanities and Professor of English Director, MESH Research // Director, Humanities Commons

I am grateful for the thoughtful way the Academic Profile team has developed a system that is responsive to the broad and diverse needs of our faculty. As the nature of academic scholarship expands and becomes more sophisticated, we need systems that will adapt to the changing needs of the university and the communities we serve.

Christopher P. Long (he/him/his), MSU Foundation Professor, Dean of the College of Arts and Letters, Dean of the MSU Honors College, Professor of Philosophy